
As passed by the Lucknow Diocesan Council on December 11th-13th 1974 (Amendments approved by the CNI Synod upto 1987 incorporated).

The Church of North India was inaugurated on the 29th November 1970 in All Saints’ Cathedral Compound, Nagpur by the coming together into one Church if six uniting Churches consequent upon a series of discussions and negotiations begun in 1929.

These Churches covenanted together on the Plan of Church Union in North India and Pakistan, (Fourth Revised Edition, 1965) to form the Church of North India in the conviction that God wills one communion and fellowship for all those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

This coming together in one visible fellowship representing the various heritages of the uniting Churches in North India, in no way involves any questioning or repudiation of the gracious gifts of God which have been in the past, manifest in diverse ways in their several traditions of the ministry, the sacraments and Church polity, within the one Church of God: ‘Our sufficiency is of God’. (Cor. 3:5)

The Constitution of the Church, as contained in the Plan of Church Union in North India (4th Revised Edition 1965), and subsequent amendments sets forth the general principles by which the separate insight granted to the several Churches in separation are brought together for the enrichment of all in the living fellowship of the Church of North India, it being recognized that, in so living together in fellowship, this Church may hope for the still clearer guidance from the Holy Spirit to know His will.

It is thus intended that the true riches of all the uniting tradition should in the life of the Church of North India, be incorporated, and that while the Church of North India is a Church which intends to hold to the fundamental Faith and Orders of the Universal Church, it should assure to its members freedom of opinion in such varieties of practice as are consistent with the life of the Church as one organic body.

  • Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.
  • Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.